Nu ska jag stryka kläder och senare ta en kopp thé framför TV:n.

Jag tog en bild ute, på tyget och mina nästan färdigstickade vantar.( A picture of the materia for a new curtain and my almost readyknitted mittens.)

Jag är också stolt över min julros, som varit gömd under all snön, men nu blommar den för fullt.( I'm so proud of my christmasrose, who was hidden under all the snow, but now is blooming in the sun.)
It's spring and we have a wondefuk weather.I have been on a conference all day.On the lunchbreake my collegues and I spent some time outside, enjoing the warm sun.
Thwn I went to Zickzack ( a yarn and materialshop in Skoghall )to buy material for my litchen.I will sew a curtain and a tablecloth.It's always so nice to visit marias shop and we had a nice chat.
Now I will iron some clothes and later have a cup of tea watching TV.
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