Last sunday I joined a class about knitting Lace.Triinu Andreasson taught us how to knit estoian lace.She also showed us tricks about casting on and binding off stitches,and how to get a nice edge of your knitting.The time just flyed away and we had so much fun.Thank you so much Triinu!

Min dotter önskade vanter till Kyle.Det är snart vinter och jag vill inte att mitt barn-barn ska frysa om sina små händer.
My daughter wanted mittens for Kyle.It's soon winter and I don't want my grandchild to get cold hands.

Bakat lite kakor idag.Hallongrottor och kolasnittar.Göran fick provsmaka och han tyckte att det var jättegott.
I have been baking cookies today.Two kind of swedish cookies.Goran got to try them out, and thought they tasted great.

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