En av mina väninnor, Eva, tog fram en gammal spinnrock från vinden,som jag skulle få. Tyvärr var den inte komplett.Hon ska leta vidare och se om hon hittar alla delarna till den.Spinnrocken var hennes farmors och såg jättefin ut.Dock har jag inte rum för en spinnrock som står bara för prydnad.

Göran rensar swamp.Göran is cleaning the mushrooms.
I haven't had time to knit this weekend.But I'm continuing to knit on the mittens I started at Skoghall las thursday.
Yesterday Goran and I picked mushrooms.We went to our friends summerhouse, to make surethat everything is OK.We also picked mushrooms during our visit.We had a picknick in the woods, and sat inte the sun.
One af my friends ,Eva, found her grandmothers spinnigwheel in her attic.She wanted to give it to mee.Unfortunately it wasn't complete, aome parts wrwe missing.She is going to search for the missing parts.I loved the spinningwheel,it was very nice.I'm sad that I haven't got any place for a spinningwheel just for decoration.
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